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For love or money


For Love or Money: The Life of a Bridge Journalistby Mark Horton and Brian SeniorForeword by Omar SharifPaperback, 192 pp., ISBN 1-894154-01-0Great hands and amusing anecdotes - a behind-the-scenes look at international bridge.Brian Senior and Mark Horton are experienced international players, and also two of the world's top bridge journalists. In one or the other capacity they have attended every World Championship and major international tournament in the last twenty years, and in this book they share their unique knowledge and experience, as well as the stories only they can tell. The reader will share the excitement of the key hands and plays that made the difference between winning and losing - the successes and the disasters. In addition, the authors afford us a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a bridge journalist, as we see them following the top players around the world in search of stories and adventure. Do they do it for love or money - or is it something else? Read the book and find out! The illustrations draw on the authors' personal collection of candid photographs.