Boutique stratégie - Jeux et accessoires

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NOUVELLE LUNE EXT.LOUP GAROUCliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.

Nouvelle lune ext.loup garou


An expansion for The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow. (The base game is required to play.)This first expansion adds:

  • 36 Event Cards to use in the game.
  • 5 new roles for the villagers (the idiot, the elder, the piper, the scapegoat, the savior).
  • 9 new variants/playing suggestions: ie. playing in the dark with a candle in front of each face and blowing the candle when dead; ie. instead of werewolves eating civilians, they only contaminate civilians (without rights/powers)
  • Rules allowing many variants.
  • Français