Firefly shiny dice
Firefly: Shiny Dice lasts three rounds, and whoever has the most points after three rounds wins. In each round, each player takes one or more turns. On your first turn in a round, you roll all fifteen dice — seven crew dice (brown), three passenger dice (white), and five bad guy dice (black) — then place them in the appropriate places on your display. Crew members and passengers all have unique abilities, some of which involve the option of rerolling dice.After any rerolls, you reveal your mission for the round. If you have dice on your board that match the numbers given at the top of the mission, then you're unaffected by the bold line — Bushwhacked, Gorram, etc. — immediately underneath. Otherwise, you might be forced to end your go after the current turn, forced to take an additional turn, or affected in some other way. After revealing and resolving the mission, the bad guys strike: