Boutique stratégie - Jeux et accessoires

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Scrabble Racks (2)Cliquez sur l'image pour l'agrandir.

Scrabble Racks (2)


SamRack New!!

  • Wood
  • Long Rack! 22 cm; 8.65 inches carefully designed to fit inside:
    1. The round padded bag (6 color choices) for SamTimers, even with a clock inside.
    2. The green rectangular padded bag for SamTimers, even with a clock inside.
    3. The rectangular MutiBagTM bag (7 color choices) for SamTimers, with a clock inside, and pens, keys etc!
  • Lightweight yet sturdy.
  • Pleasing slanted back with wide base -- prevents you tipping the rack and revealing your tiles to the opponent.
  • Rounded top
  • Indented plateau so you can shuffle tiles easily
  • Fits all kinds of tiles
  • Rubberized feet to minimize slipping
  • End stoppers keep tiles on the rack without sliding off
  • Beautiful!
  • SamRack wood stain colors: "oak" (light) or "walnut" (dark)
  • Anglais