Carokann, The 4...nf6
The dynamic 4...Nf6 line of the Caro-Kann (after 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4) has been unfashionable in recent years whilst the theory on 4...Bf5 and 4...Nd7 now extends well into the middle game. 4…Nf6 therefore offers a golden opportunity for Caro-Kann players to throw their opponents on their own resources – and here even top Grandmasters can go wrong. On this DVD Nigel Davies examines both the Bronstein-Larsen (5.Nxf6+ gxf6) and the Tartakower (5.Nxf6+ exf6) systems and shows how the doubled f-pawn, common to both lines gives Black a range of aggressive plans and ideas. This is why 4...Nf6 has been favored by great players such as Alexander Alekhine, Viktor Kortchnoi, David Bronstein, Bent Larsen, Nigel Short and Savielly Tartakower. Others are likely to join them.